Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Who in my Breastfeeding Journey: Breastfeeding Carnival Post Day 3

Welcome to The Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival! This post was written as part of the Breastfeeding Cafe's Carnival. For more info on the Breastfeeding Cafe, go to For more info on the Carnival or if you want to participate, contact Claire at clindstrom2 {at} gmail {dot} com. Today's post is about people who have supported your breastfeeding goals. Please read the other blogs in today's carnival listed below and check back for more posts July 18th-31st!

I have a long list of thank yous for each kid.  Writing these posts has brought back memories and emotions and I just wish I could go back and give everyone a huge hug because they all were SO important in our breastfeeding journey!

Monkey: A nurse in the hospital looked in Monkey's mouth when he was a day old and noticed that he had a heart-shaped tongue and told me he was tongue tied and it was the cause of him not being able to latch at all.  I had no idea about this or how it could effect breastfeeding but she also tried to get him to suck on her finger and his suck reflex wasn't triggered until she was almost touching his throat.  Another nurse told me about LLL and I looked them up when I got home from the hospital and started attending meetings a couple months later.  A wonderful ENT that was willing to get Monkey in the day I called helped so Monkey could even attempt to latch.  He was clipped with scissors and slept through the procedure.  An IBCLC helped by seeing my technique and helping with a nipple shield the next day.  Carin was the LLL leader in Layton who originally helped me feel supported.  She gave tips for weaning from the shield (never was successful though) and reassured me that I could continue feeding Monkey even with the shield long term.  My husband was always there for me though he struggled with the tears and didn't offer the best advice because he was worried about me.  I could always feel his love through my struggles.  Amy was a great leader who helped me on my journey to become a LLL leader even through losses #2 and #3.  My mom was always there to remind me that I could do anything I was determined to accomplish.

Kangaroo: Before Kangaroo arrived, I searched for a new Pediatrician and an important quality was that they could and would clip a tongue tie within a couple hours of birth.  Ties are usually genetic and frequently occur in siblings so I waned to be prepared.  For this reason I name our old doctor's office as a support.  They were able to clip Kangaroo's tie within 2 hours after birth.  I also had a great IBCLC in the hospital that taught me the "nipple sandwich" aka "asymmetrical latch" technique and to get a deep latch toward the chin and flip the nipple in very last so it would be way up by the palate forcing a deeper latch.  Various moms at LLL meetings and a few other leaders helped support me.  When we moved and I was fortunate enough to finally become an official leader I found that even through leading I still felt the love and support from other moms.

Roxy: Roxy has had a crazy journey.  I had a lot of help from Lisa (my home birth midwife) but I also got to teach her about posterior tongue ties and lip ties.  My doula Katherine was there to talk when I needed it.  A great IBCLC named Debbie whom I originally met in local breastfeeding coalition meetings was able to specifically help after Roxy's first revision and taught me a new-to-me position which baby straddles my leg and encouraged laid back breastfeedingDr. Ghaheri in Portland revised her tongue and lip ties and revised her tongue tie again when scar tissue restricted her tie because it healed closed.  A wonderful home visit nurse named Jan weighed Roxy frequently to let me know that she was gaining weight adequately.  A speech therapist helped with suck training.  A Pediatrician who is up to date on breastfeeding information and colic helped quite a bit.  My training through the Babywearing Institute was a huge help so that I could further meet Roxy's needs which eventually helped her struggles by wearing her constantly.  LLL leaders, especially Kelly who had similar LONG term struggles, were helpful to remind me that one day things would "click" and become so much better.  All of the moms and babies I see breastfeeding remind me that it is normal and it's ok to breastfeed.  Stories online of other moms who struggled that I happen upon help.  I love reading breastfeeding research articles and helping other moms through their struggles because it helps me get through the tough times because I know I'm not alone.  And of course, Womanly Art of Breastfeeding which has helped me quickly look up things and follow along with ages and stages through my younger 2 (the newest version was released July 2010 and I had the older version with Monkey).

Who has helped you on your breastfeeding journey?

Here are more post by the Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival participants! Check back because more will be added throughout the day.

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