Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Beginning our Tot School 2010-2011

A new "school year" brings a whole new adventure! Monkey will be becoming a big brother in January so I'm not sure what that will mean for our Tot School for the few weeks surrounding that. We also will be making a big move next summer while I'm getting ready to start our preschool adventure. I'm going to be planning our Tot School this week however. My hubby took yesterday and today off and we got to go to an ultrasound (first one he's been able to go to with us) so we decided to delay Tot School start until next week.

What is Tot School you ask?
Tot school is a more organized version of what I started a year ago in about May with Monkey when he was just over a year old.  You can find out more information here and I will be posting a button at the end of all my Tot School "weekly" posts (I do a weekly post and link back to the information each individual day so it's easier to navigate).  There are great ideas on that blog alone but also some wonderful ones from other blogs so take some time to look around!  We feel that we should homeschool from birth and spend special one-on-one time with each child doing learning activities.  Tot School is a name for that and allows me to be more organized.

So what's the plan this year?
We will be doing a letter of the week type curriculum. I'm going to be using a mix of several different ones (I will add more links as we go and adapt new ideas) and ideas from my own head:
-Confessions of a Homeschooler
-Homeschool Creations but especially her ABC Phonics Coloring Pages
-A mix of Brightly Beaming Resources "Preparatory Curriculum" and "Preschool Age 3" (Monkey is right in the middle of the two)
-Adventures with My Monkey (hey that's me!) Letter Boxes (see some of my previous posts for information on Letter Boxes-I'll also be making a post "re-introducing" them shortly-I'll add the link when I make that post)
-No Time for Flashcards-I LOVE this craft blog and feel very inspired by it!
-More Coloring Book Pages by Preschool Coloring Book 
-Lacing Cards 
-Craft and Activity ideas
-Great toddler and preschool ideas (including themes, poems, etc)
-More poems, songs, fingerplays

Materials we will use:
Here's a link to last year's entry on this but I'll also add more in here:
-"Stuff" from the links posted above (I will give credit in each post)
-Various books from home and the library (will mention each in individual posts)
-Foam alphabet block puzzle

Toddler Play
The Toddler Busy Book
Toddler Time
The Everything Toddler Activities Book: Games And Projects That Entertain And Educate (Everything Kids Series)
A Year of Fun Just for Two's (alternate link here) (also we've used: A Year of Fun Just for One's and will use A Year of Fun Just for Three's)
Entertaining and Educating Babies and Toddlers (Usborne Parents' Guides)
 THE COMPREHENSIVE TODDLER CURRIC. (Mine looks like the one pictured in the link and it's the over 600 page book)
Toddlers Together: The Complete Planning Guide For A Toddler Curriculum
More Toddlers Together: The Complete Planning Guide for a Toddler Curriculum Vol. 2
Playful Learning: An Alternate Approach to Preschool
The Busy Mom's Book of Preschool Activities
Teaching Montessori in the Home: Pre-School Years: The Pre-School Years

Where is Thumbkin?: 500 Activities to Use with Songs You Already Know
Arts & Crafts Busy Book : 365 Activities
The Little Hands Art Book (Little Hands!)
Fun at Home With Dian Thomas
Learning All The Time
Great Books for Babies and Toddlers: More Than 500 Recommended Books for Your Child's First Three Years
Misc workbooks and coloring books with fun characters that we've picked up in the dollar spot at Target or at a dollar store

I will post all books we read together within each individual post-we have a big library of our own books but we borrow tons from the library each week too-I will also do reviews of the books listed above from time to time so watch for those

Some of our folder games come from the following book also
-The Little Latter-day Saint File Folder Fun Book (Volume 4)

-Signing Time 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
-Baby Signing Time 1, 2, 3, 4
-Leap Frog's Letter Factory
-Leap Frog's Talking Word Factory
-Leap Frog's Math Adventure to the Moon

This year's themes:
First I'll start out with a nice theme list that I constantly add to.  I get the ideas from all over and when one pops in my head I go back and add it.

As of writing this I haven't sat down and decided what EACH week's theme will be but in following the letter of the week most of the time our theme will be the letter and something that starts with that letter.  We will also do themes for different seasons, holidays, etc like last year.  Here's a link to our themes from last year (yes I know I was bad at posting EVERY week-I do have the intention to do better this year!).  I will add in a link to our post on themes for this year when I complete it.

For more information about Tot School and to see other great Tot School blogs click the button below

Tot School

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