Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Breastfeeding Carnival Day 3: Wordless Wednesday Breastfeeding Style

Welcome to The Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival!

This post was written as part of The Breastfeeding Cafe's Carnival. For more info on the Breastfeeding Cafe, go to www.breastfeedingcafe.wordpress.com. For more info on the Carnival or if you want to participate, contact Claire at clindstrom2 {at} gmail {dot} com. Today's post is Wordless Wednesday: Breastfeeding Photos! Please read the other blogs in today's carnival listed below and check back for more posts July 18th through the 31st!

I have ONE picture of Monkey nursing when he was a tiny baby but I can't find it! I will try to add it when I find it eventually :)

Baby K

And I know Monkey will hate me for these someday...

Here are more post by the Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival participants! Check back because more will be added throughout the day.


  1. No he won't (okay well maybe), but man is he ever are adorable!!

  2. Aww, I love seeing photos of little ones "nursing" their babies! My son gives his hugs and kisses but no nursies yet. We'll see!
