Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lesson 8 and 9-introducing "r"

For information on what we use for teaching reading see this post first.

We breezed through the lesson quick today because Monkey didn't have much patience for anything today (he wanted to read upside down while doing a hand stand) but really wanted to read (he brought me the "yellow book" as I refer to it and said "I want my reading lesson now!"). He reviewed books 1-5 but struggled a little with book 5.  We went ahead and read book 6 anyways-"See Mat" because he begged for a new one.  He did pretty good and is really starting to get the sound-it-out idea.  Book 6 introduces new words "Mit" and "Sis" so we did a little extra teaching to introduce "i" (and I pointed to it in lesson 14).

We'll see how Monkey is doing tomorrow but we might take the next two lessons, 10 and 11 which don't introduce anything new, as a nice review and read book 6 again and introduce Bob Book 1 (in this set).  If he's a little less busy and wiggly we'll move on to lesson 12.  I think the pace is a bit slow and I hope that Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading comes soon so I can look over that and see if it will be a better fit for him.

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